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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

TMJ/TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJ disorders) are problems that affect the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. There are two matching temporomandibular joints on each side of your head and they are located in front of your ears. For many people with TMJ disorders, the cause is unknown. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, Dr. Charles Ferzli can help you prevent TMJ from getting worse or help find a solution if you already suffer from symptoms.

Although the ideal cause is unknown, poor posture can be an important factor in TMJ symptoms, for example, holding the head forward while looking at a computer all day strains the muscles of the face and neck. Other causes given for this condition include a bad bite associated with orthodontic braces and stress. For some people, the stress associated with this disorder may be caused by the pain, as opposed to being the cause of the problem. Other possible causes of TMJ-related symptoms include arthritis, fractures, dislocations, and structural problems present since birth.

If you awaken with joint pain in your jaw, schedule a consultation with our doctors to discuss your options. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Consequences of Missing Teeth

Although tooth loss is typically associated with the elderly, missing teeth can occur in adults for a variety of reasons. Whether you’ve lost a tooth to decay, or injury, tooth loss can rob you of much more than the ability to chew and properly digest food. It can have serious social, psychological and emotional consequences as well. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, we don’t want you to experience the consequences of a toothless grin. This is why we offer a wide variety of restorative and cosmetic options to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

The most obvious effect of missing teeth is aesthetic. When a tooth is lost, the facial muscles begin to sag, making you appear older than you are. Additionally, missing teeth will make it more difficult to chew and may even affect the way you speak. The more teeth a person is missing, the more challenging the task to replace them can become. It can also be costly. It is important to have regular dental visits with us to prolong the life of your teeth. 

If you have missing teeth, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Canine Exposure

Occasionally, teeth need help so that they erupt properly. A common tooth that needs help is the canine tooth. Here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we can perform canine exposure for our patients so that their canines grow in healthy.

When a tooth is impacted, it cannot fully grow in; often becoming stuck. This often happens when there is not enough room in the mouth, commonly trapping canine teeth. They do not move past the bone and gum tissue that surrounds them. Impacted teeth can cause major pain and they can end up doing damage to the teeth that surround them. They can wear down on the teeth or make them more susceptible to injury due to the pressure they cause. In addition, they can create hard-to-reach areas that collect bacteria.

In our Cary, NC office, we can help an impacted canine tooth emerge correctly. First, we will make an incision in the gums where the canine tooth is impacted. We will then attach a brace to the tooth to gradually guide the tooth down into the right position.

Impacted canines can affect both your oral health and the appearance of your smile. It can also affect the way you eat. If you suspect your canine teeth are impacted, schedule an appointment with us. To schedule at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a necessary periodontal procedure when there is not enough of the crown available to work on a tooth. In addition, it can be used cosmetically when there is excess gum tissue covering up some of the crown, making teeth appear short. We can perform crown lengthening here in our Cary, NC dental practice, Smiles of Cary.

A crown lengthening procedure is not actually adding tooth material; it instead removes gum tissue to expose more of the crown of a tooth. The crown part of the tooth is what shows outside the gums. Crown lengthening is needed in cases where there is decay under the gumline, or when a tooth needs a replacement crown, but there is not enough tooth above the gums to work with. Cosmetically, it can be used when a person has excess gum tissue. Often referred to as “gummy smile”, this condition makes the teeth appear shorter than they really are.

To start the procedure, incisions are made to the gums to allow them to be pulled back. In some cases, when the tooth needs to be worked on below the jaw bone, that will be removed to gain access to the tooth. The gums are then cleaned and stitched into place. Even if only one tooth needs to be worked on, several teeth in the area have the gums pulled back so they can heal in a natural-looking line.

To learn more about the crown lengthening procedure, be sure to visit our website. To schedule an appointment with Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call our office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Choosing Toothpaste to Meet Your Needs

When stepping foot into the oral hygiene aisle at the drugstore, our staff at Maiden Lane Dental understands that the selections of toothpaste can be overwhelming. Should you go for tartar control, fluoride, sensitive or whitening toothpaste? When it comes to choosing the toothpaste that is best for you, it’s important to consider your unique oral health needs. The best way to discover what those are is by scheduling an oral exam with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary. In the meantime, here are some options to consider while browsing:

  • Anti-cavity: This type of toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride plays an active role in preventing decay, and it actively strengthens tooth enamel.

  • Anti-gingivitis: If you spit blood in the sink, this is an early sign of gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. Anti-gingivitis toothpaste helps reduce oral bacteria and can be very effective at stopping gingivitis in its tracks.

  • Desensitizing: If you’ve ever bit into an ice cream cone and felt a sharp pain in your tooth’s nerve, this type of toothpaste will provide relief by blocking the tooth’s pain signal to the nerve.

  • Tartar-control: This toothpaste does exact what it says, however, the best way to remove tartar is by scheduling a professional dental cleaning with one of our doctors.

  • Whitening: This toothpaste contains chemicals that are able to help maintain the natural color of your teeth.

If you have questions about dental health or oral care, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.