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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Banish Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a sensitive subject, because not only does it affect the person who has it, it also affects those around them. Some people go through life completely unaware of this problem unless they are told by people in their social circles. It can be embarrassing when that happens, which is why Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary is determined to help you prevent bad breath from occurring and eliminate it altogether.

Plenty of factors play into the foul odor that is caused by bad breath, which is also known as halitosis. It may be caused by foods a person eats, poor oral hygiene, medical conditions, and even dry mouth. Treatments for this condition include practicing proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing on a daily basis, mouthwash, quitting smoking and changing bad habits. In addition, our staff at Smiles of Cary recommends dental checkups and professional cleanings twice a year to assist in providing you with the freshest breath on the block.

If you have questions regarding oral hygiene, don’t hesitate to call us. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Advantages of Teeth Whitening

How many of us get a confidence boost when a stranger gives us a compliment? Have you ever paid attention to how much of a positive effect this has on your self-esteem? The same applies to teeth whitening. Teeth-whitening is an excellent way to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter than your natural color if you would like. Here at Smiles of Cary, we can help you do just that.

With all of the lifestyle habits and environmental factors that have the ability to stain our teeth on a daily basis, even proper maintenance sometimes leave them a little dull. Fortunately, through our whitening system, your pearly whites can revive their shine. In addition, teeth-whitening can also take years off of your appearance. This is because as we age, over time, our teeth darken and can become yellow, brown, or even develop a green or grey tint (which may be due to heredity and/or eating habits). Your smile speaks volumes about who you are and leaves an everlasting impression, so it’s only natural that you want it to be as radiant as possible.

If you would like to discuss your teeth whitening options, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

TMJ/TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJ disorders) are problems that affect the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. There are two matching temporomandibular joints on each side of your head and they are located in front of your ears. For many people with TMJ disorders, the cause is unknown. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, Dr. Charles Ferzli can help you prevent TMJ from getting worse or help find a solution if you already suffer from symptoms.

Although the ideal cause is unknown, poor posture can be an important factor in TMJ symptoms, for example, holding the head forward while looking at a computer all day strains the muscles of the face and neck. Other causes given for this condition include a bad bite associated with orthodontic braces and stress. For some people, the stress associated with this disorder may be caused by the pain, as opposed to being the cause of the problem. Other possible causes of TMJ-related symptoms include arthritis, fractures, dislocations, and structural problems present since birth.

If you awaken with joint pain in your jaw, schedule a consultation with our doctors to discuss your options. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Consequences of Missing Teeth

Although tooth loss is typically associated with the elderly, missing teeth can occur in adults for a variety of reasons. Whether you’ve lost a tooth to decay, or injury, tooth loss can rob you of much more than the ability to chew and properly digest food. It can have serious social, psychological and emotional consequences as well. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, we don’t want you to experience the consequences of a toothless grin. This is why we offer a wide variety of restorative and cosmetic options to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

The most obvious effect of missing teeth is aesthetic. When a tooth is lost, the facial muscles begin to sag, making you appear older than you are. Additionally, missing teeth will make it more difficult to chew and may even affect the way you speak. The more teeth a person is missing, the more challenging the task to replace them can become. It can also be costly. It is important to have regular dental visits with us to prolong the life of your teeth. 

If you have missing teeth, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Canine Exposure

Occasionally, teeth need help so that they erupt properly. A common tooth that needs help is the canine tooth. Here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we can perform canine exposure for our patients so that their canines grow in healthy.

When a tooth is impacted, it cannot fully grow in; often becoming stuck. This often happens when there is not enough room in the mouth, commonly trapping canine teeth. They do not move past the bone and gum tissue that surrounds them. Impacted teeth can cause major pain and they can end up doing damage to the teeth that surround them. They can wear down on the teeth or make them more susceptible to injury due to the pressure they cause. In addition, they can create hard-to-reach areas that collect bacteria.

In our Cary, NC office, we can help an impacted canine tooth emerge correctly. First, we will make an incision in the gums where the canine tooth is impacted. We will then attach a brace to the tooth to gradually guide the tooth down into the right position.

Impacted canines can affect both your oral health and the appearance of your smile. It can also affect the way you eat. If you suspect your canine teeth are impacted, schedule an appointment with us. To schedule at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a necessary periodontal procedure when there is not enough of the crown available to work on a tooth. In addition, it can be used cosmetically when there is excess gum tissue covering up some of the crown, making teeth appear short. We can perform crown lengthening here in our Cary, NC dental practice, Smiles of Cary.

A crown lengthening procedure is not actually adding tooth material; it instead removes gum tissue to expose more of the crown of a tooth. The crown part of the tooth is what shows outside the gums. Crown lengthening is needed in cases where there is decay under the gumline, or when a tooth needs a replacement crown, but there is not enough tooth above the gums to work with. Cosmetically, it can be used when a person has excess gum tissue. Often referred to as “gummy smile”, this condition makes the teeth appear shorter than they really are.

To start the procedure, incisions are made to the gums to allow them to be pulled back. In some cases, when the tooth needs to be worked on below the jaw bone, that will be removed to gain access to the tooth. The gums are then cleaned and stitched into place. Even if only one tooth needs to be worked on, several teeth in the area have the gums pulled back so they can heal in a natural-looking line.

To learn more about the crown lengthening procedure, be sure to visit our website. To schedule an appointment with Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call our office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Choosing Toothpaste to Meet Your Needs

When stepping foot into the oral hygiene aisle at the drugstore, our staff at Maiden Lane Dental understands that the selections of toothpaste can be overwhelming. Should you go for tartar control, fluoride, sensitive or whitening toothpaste? When it comes to choosing the toothpaste that is best for you, it’s important to consider your unique oral health needs. The best way to discover what those are is by scheduling an oral exam with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary. In the meantime, here are some options to consider while browsing:

  • Anti-cavity: This type of toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride plays an active role in preventing decay, and it actively strengthens tooth enamel.

  • Anti-gingivitis: If you spit blood in the sink, this is an early sign of gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. Anti-gingivitis toothpaste helps reduce oral bacteria and can be very effective at stopping gingivitis in its tracks.

  • Desensitizing: If you’ve ever bit into an ice cream cone and felt a sharp pain in your tooth’s nerve, this type of toothpaste will provide relief by blocking the tooth’s pain signal to the nerve.

  • Tartar-control: This toothpaste does exact what it says, however, the best way to remove tartar is by scheduling a professional dental cleaning with one of our doctors.

  • Whitening: This toothpaste contains chemicals that are able to help maintain the natural color of your teeth.

If you have questions about dental health or oral care, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Here at Smiles of Cary, we offer you experience, advanced technology, and the latest Invisalign braces treatments to give you a more comfortable, faster straight smile without having to wear traditional metal braces. You can see results in as little as 12 months. If you are looking for straighter, more beautiful teeth, you might want to consider Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?
Our Cary, NC dentist, Dr. Charles Ferzli, B.Sc., D.D.S., DABCP, DABCP-CDSM, creates a series of clear plastic aligners that move your teeth gradually. These aligners are generated through a computer program and are custom-fit for your mouth and teeth. Invisalign clear braces are recommended if you have mild to moderate crowding or spacing. They are comfortable and easy to wear and virtually unnoticeable'.

Why Choose Invisalign Braces?
You don't just get invisible aligners either; you also get removable aligners so you can eat and drink whatever you want and brush and floss as normal. There are no metal brackets or wires filling your mouth, which means fewer visits to Dr. Ferzli. You can even take a peek at your own virtual treatment plan before you begin treatment to see what your teeth will look like after treatment.

Give our Cary, NC dental office a call at 919-462-3350 to set up your initial consultation with Dr. Ferzli to have your questions answered. Within 12 months of choosing Invisalign braces, you can be proud of your brand new smile. Contact us today to see if you are a good candidate for Invisalign braces.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Choosing the Right Mouthwash

Mouthwash or rinses are used for a variety of reasons: to freshen breath, to help prevent or control tooth decay, to reduce plaque, to prevent or reduce gingivitis, to reduce the speed that tartar forms on the teeth, or to produce a combination of these effects.  Mouthwash has a few beneficial properties and Dr. Charles Ferzli of Smiles of Cary would like to explain some of them.

  • Antimicrobial agents act directly on oral bacteria to help reduce plaque, decrease the severity of gingivitis and control bad breath.

  • Fluoride helps reduce tiny lesions (tooth decay) on tooth enamel and make teeth more resistant to decay.

  • Astringent salts can serve as temporary deodorizers that mask bad breath.

  • Odor neutralizers act by chemically inactivating odor causing compounds.

If you have questions about dental health or oral care, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visitwww.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Importance of a Maintaining a Healthy Mouth

If you maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine, it results in a mouth that looks and smells healthy. This means your teeth are clean and free of debris, your gums are pink and do not hurt or bleed when you brush or floss, and bad breath is not a constant problem. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC Dr. Charles Ferzli and his team of hygienists take pride in teaching proper oral hygiene techniques to patients. Additionally, they will point out areas of your mouth that may require extra attention while brushing and flossing at home.  

Taking good care of your mouth – teeth and gums – does more than help ensure you have a bright, white, smile. The mouth is the doorway to our body and its first line of defense. It performs essential functions than any other part of the body. Good oral hygiene and oral health can improve your overall health, reducing the risk of serious disease and perhaps even preserving your memory in your golden years. When your mouth is unhealthy, your body will feel the effects in many ways and your health in general, will suffer. In between regular visits to the dentist, you should be brushing thoroughly twice a day, flossing daily, eating a balanced diet and limiting snacks between meals, as well as using dental products that are approved by the American Dental Association (ADA).

If you have questions about dental health or oral care, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Ridge Augmentation

Sometimes in order to place a dental implant, there is first some work that needs to be done to the jawline. When teeth go missing, the jawline can begin to deteriorate. In the case where the ridge is not large enough to successfully hold a dental implant, it will need to be built up with a ridge augmentation. Here at Smiles of Cary, we can perform ridge augmentations for our patients right here in our Cary, NC office.

In order to perform a ridge augmentation, first, your doctor will lift the gums away from the bone. Bone graft material will then be placed into the area where the bone has deteriorated. Afterwards, the incision is closed and allowed to heal. The augmentation will take about twelve months to fully heal. During this time, the bone graft material will not only bond with your jawbone, but it will also promote the growth of even more jawbone. The end result is a strong jawline that is big enough to host a dental implant. Depending on your specific case, a dental implant may be able to be placed during the augmentation procedure or after the twelve-month healing period.

If permanent tooth replacement sounds like the route you would like to go, set up a consultation with us. To learn more about ridge augmentation or dental implants, call Smiles of Cary at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Scaling and Planing Procedure

Gum disease can be painful, it can affect the look of your smile, it can cause the loss of teeth, and it can affect overall health. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we take gum disease seriously. One of the ways we fight gum disease is by performing scaling and planing procedures.

Gum disease can create deep pockets in the gums where bacteria can build up. A scaling and planing procedure removes the bacteria so the area can heal without infection. The scaling portion of this process removes the bacteria that sit below the gum line. A tool is used to scrape the tooth’s root clean of plaque and tartar. This will remove most of the bacteria. Then, the planing portion of the procedure smooths down the tooth’s root, so that any rough patches where bacteria could hide are removed.

Gum disease can lead to disastrous oral health along with increased risks of heart attack and stroke. If you are showing signs of gum disease such as red, bleeding, or painful gums, be sure to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. It becomes more difficult to treat gum disease the longer it goes on.

To learn more about the scaling and planing procedure, do not hesitate to ask us questions. To schedule an appointment with Smiles of Cary in our Cary, NC dental office, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Different Reasons for Tooth Extractions

Although permanent teeth were meant to last a lifetime, there are a number of reasons why a patient may need a tooth extracted. A very common reason involves a tooth that is too badly damaged, from trauma or decay, to be repaired. If a tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary will try his best to fix it with a filling, crown or other dental treatment. You’re probably most familiar with wisdom teeth extractions, but other reasons for the procedure may include:

  • Severe tooth damage/trauma – some teeth have such extensive decay and damage (broken or cracked) that repair is not possible.

  • Orthodontic treatment – people getting braces may need teeth extracted to create room for teeth that are being moved into place.

  • Some teeth may need to be extracted if they have the potential of becoming infected.

  • Extra teeth – extra teeth may block other teeth from erupting, therefore, will require extraction.

If you experience tooth pain of any kind, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Stages of Periodontal Disease

If you want to keep your permanent teeth for a lifetime, then you need to practice a proper oral hygiene routine on a daily basis. If you don’t, you’re already headed down the road toward gum disease. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth and there are three stages that you need to be aware of. You should always schedule professional cleanings and oral exams with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary twice a year to avoid this condition.

  • Gingivitis – This is the earliest stage of gum disease, an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup at the gum line. If daily brushing and flossing do not remove the plaque, it produces toxins that can irritate the gum tissue, causing gingivitis. This is when you’ll notice blood in the sink after you complete your brushing routine. However, at this early stage, damage can be reversed, since the bone and connective tissue that hold the teeth in place are not yet affected.

  • Periodontitis – This is the second stage of gum disease. By this point, the supporting bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place are irreversibly damaged. Your gums may even begin to form a pocket below the gum line, which traps food and plaque.

  • Advanced Periodontitis – This is the final stage of gum disease, and the fibers and bones supporting your teeth are officially destroyed. In this case, your teeth may begin to shift or loosen and your bite may also be affected. If aggressive treatment can’t save them, the teeth will need to be extracted.

If you suffer from sensitive gums, it’s not too late, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Root Canal Procedure

If the cause of your teeth pain is serious decay or infection in the tooth pulp, Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary may recommend a root canal. We understand that the term might be scary for patients to hear, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to describe the procedure in hopes that it puts a candidate at ease.  

The root canal procedure itself requires one or more office visits and can be performed right here in the office. The first step in the procedure is to take an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection in the surrounding bone. Once anesthesia is administered, Dr. Levenson will make an opening in the crown of the tooth. Very small instruments are used to clean the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals and to shape the space for filling. After the empty space is cleaned and shaped, your dentist will fill the root canals with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. In most cases, a temporary filling is placed to close the opening. There may be some soreness after the procedure, but that is perfectly normal.

If you are experiencing pain in your tooth, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Snap-On Smile

Do you want to makeover your smile without undergoing extensive dental procedures? If you answered yes, then Snap-On Smile might be for you. Snap-On Smile works exactly like it sounds. It fits right over your own teeth to give you a beautiful, natural looking smile – even if you have chips, gaps, or missing teeth. If you’ve always desired a “Hollywood Smile,” Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary can give you the one you’ve always dreamed of.

For many people, Snap-On Smile can be life changing because it gives the patient confidence to smile. Snap-On Smile’s unique, proprietary formula of hi-tech dental resin makes it very thin yet extremely strong. Additionally, you can eat and drink with your Snap-On Smile. It’s easy to care for and can be a temporary or permanent cosmetic solution. On your first visit with us, you will pick the shade and style of your smile.  We will then take an impression of your teeth so the Snap-On Smile can be properly fitted. In about three weeks, you will return for your final fitting and you will leave the office with a brand new smile.

If you are missing teeth, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Arestin for Fighting Gum Disease

Gum disease can create deep pockets in the gums which collect bacteria and perpetuate the condition. When scaling and root planing, here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we like to use Arestin. Arestin is an antibiotic applied right to the source of the gum disease.

Hard-to-reach bacteria deep down by the tooth’s root can become stuck and continue the cycle of gum disease. A scaling and root planing is performed to remove the hardened tartar from the tooth and the tooth root. We then smooth down the surface of the tooth’s root so that bacteria cannot hide in it. We then add Arestin, an antibiotic made of microspheres. We place Arestin into the gum pocket to help kill any leftover bacteria. The tiny microspheres are not visible to the naked eye, and they dissolve on their own. This means there is no need to go back to the dentist to have them taken out, like antibiotic fibers of the past. In addition, they are time-released, so they keep working long after they are applied.

If you are having a periodontic procedure done to fight gum disease, ask us about Arestin. To schedule an appointment at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call our office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dental Implants for Lifelong Tooth Replacement

Dental implants are often the top choice for tooth replacement. Why is that? Because they are the strongest and longest-lasting option. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we choose to offer dental implants as a tooth replacement option for our patients because with good care, they can last a lifetime.

Dental implants are actually implanted into your jaw bone like a real tooth is. To begin the process, your doctor will make an incision in your gums and place a titanium implant post into the bone socket where your tooth used to be. This process takes time to heal, so you will wear a temporary crown for several months. When the implant has bonded with your jaw bone and the healing is complete, an abutment will be placed onto the implant to act as the base for your new tooth. A custom-created dental crown is then permanently bonded to your tooth.

A dental implant should be taken care of just like a normal tooth, however, there is no special care needed. Brush twice per day, floss once per day, and see your dentist for routine cleanings. This should keep your dental implant looking great and acting strong.

If you are missing and tooth and want to know if a dental implant is right for you, schedule a consultation with Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC. To schedule, call our office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Are You Brushing Effectively?

When you visit us here at Smiles of Cary, we make sure that you receive the highest level of service and ensure that our dental work is of the highest quality. We also make it a priority to educate you on the effective techniques of maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine. Though we’ve been brushing our teeth all of our lives, many of us would be surprised to learn that we are doing it wrong. Next time you step in front of the mirror to clean your pearly whites, try utilizing these powerful brushing tips.

  • Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gums.

  • Move the brush back and forth in a circular motion in short (tooth-wide) strokes.

  • Brush the outer tooth surfaces, the inner tooth surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

  • Use the tip of the brush to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, using a gentle up-and-down stroke.

  • Brush your tongue to remove bacteria.

If you have questions about oral hygiene and dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Proper Flossing Technique

Proper flossing removes plaque and food particles in places where a toothbrush can’t easily reach – under the gum line and between your teeth. Here at Smiles of Cary, we’ve heard plenty of excuses as to why our patients aren’t flossing, but it’s important because plaque buildup can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if not removed. To receive maximum benefits from flossing, Dr. Charles Ferzli recommends using the following proper technique.

  • Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around one of your middle fingers. Wind the remaining floss around the same finger of the opposite hand. This finger will take up the floss as it becomes dirty.

  • Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers.

  • Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. Never snap the floss into the gums.

  • When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a “C” shape against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.

  • Hold the floss tightly against the tooth. Gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up-and-down motions. Repeat this method for the rest of your teeth and don’t forget the back ones!

If you have questions about oral hygiene and dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dental Sealants for Pediatric Patients

Kids tend to go through a time period where they are cavity-prone. This is often because of the pits and grooves that molars have. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we offer our pediatric patients dental sealants for extra cavity protection.

The pits and grooves in molars make collecting food and plaque easy. In addition, it is not always easy for kids to reach these grooves with a toothbrush. This is why dental sealants are great. They literally seal out bacteria and debris so that they cannot become trapped.

To apply dental sealants, your dentist will first clean your teeth. After that, they will be dried. An acidic solution will be brushed onto the molars that are being sealed to rough up the surface of the tooth. This is just to aid a strong bond between the sealant and the tooth. The teeth and rinsed and again dried. The dental sealants will then be brushed onto the teeth. The sealant is made of a plastic material that can harden to create that barrier. After the sealants are hardened, they are complete.

Dental sealants are great for kids and teens, however, they can also provide benefits for adults who have never had a cavity or filling in those areas. If a dental sealant sounds like it could benefit you or someone in your family, schedule an appointment in our Cary, NC office. To schedule with Smiles of Cary, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Digital X-Rays for Better Patient Outcomes and Greater Safety

Advances in technology are what allow our practice to continue growing. Offering our patients the best equipment and technology is what gives us the best patient outcomes. Here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, one way we implement new technology is by using digital x-rays.

Digital x-rays are beneficial to both our patients and our office in multiple ways. They save time for both us and our patients. We are able to reference past x-rays faster than ever before. In addition, there is no waiting time for the x-rays to develop. They are displayed immediately on our monitors. Less time spent is money saved, again both for us and our patients. One more fantastic benefit that digital x-rays have over x-ray systems of the past is greater safety. Digital x-rays use much less radiation than systems of the past. Therefore, our patients are subjected to much lower levels.

Digital x-rays also allow us to use computer programs that can detect changes that the human eye may miss. We have tools that allow us to take a closer look than ever before. All of these combined benefits allow us more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.

To find out more about the technology we use here in our Cary, NC dental practice, contact Smiles of Cary at (919) 462-3350 or through our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dentures for Full or Partial Tooth Replacement

When looking for tooth replacement, it is nice to have options. Here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we want to be sure that our patients make informed decisions about their oral health. One of the options we have here is dentures. Dentures are a false set of teeth to replace some or all of a patient’s teeth.

Dentures are very popular and they have been around for a long time; even George Washington had dentures. However, major advancements have been made since then and so we no longer use hippopotamus ivory to create teeth!

Many dentures these days are made of acrylic resin or porcelain. These options are strong and take on the appearance of natural teeth. Whether you need all of your teeth replaced, or just a few, we have denture options for you. We can provide a full set or partial dentures.

Partial dentures work similar to dental bridges; they are attached to adjacent teeth using abutments. However, unlike bridges, partial dentures are removable.

For full dentures, we are able to place them conventionally or immediately. Immediate placement means no time spent without teeth after extractions; however, you will probably need the dentures refitted in the future. Conventional-set dentures will fit great from the start.

If you are missing teeth, it’s time to regain your oral health and restore your smile! To schedule your dentures consultation, give our Cary, NC office a call at (919) 462-3350 or visit our Smiles of Cary website, www.smilesofcary.com

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lumineers For A Perfect Smiles

A bright, beautiful smile is something that gives us confidence! Unfortunately, as we go through life, our teeth may not always remain great-looking. For this reason, we offer Lumineers here at Smiles for Cary in Cary, NC!

Lumineers are very thin veneers that are placed right over your existing tooth. We are able to create a brand-new look for your smile without major dental work like braces or surgery. Lumineers are great for crooked, gapped, chipped, discolored, misaligned teeth, and many more aesthetic issues.

The ceramic shells are created in a dental laboratory; customized for each patient. We send the laboratory pictures of your smile, impressions of your teeth, along with additional information so they can create a smile that fits and looks perfect for you. When the Lumineers are ready, we bond them to your teeth one by one. Since there is very little tooth preparation needed to bond Lumineers, you will not have to wear temporary veneers during the creation of your new smile. In addition, Lumineers are completely reversible if you desire to remove them later in life. Lumineers are designed to stay strong and beautiful for over twenty years with good care!

If you are tired of hiding your smile, consider Lumineers! To schedule your appointment with Smiles of Cary in our Cary, NC office, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Friday, February 12, 2016


Straight teeth are not only beautiful, but they are healthier for the mouth. Straight teeth allow for even bites and easy cleaning. Though straight teeth are often a desire, many patients avoid straightening their teeth because they do not want to deal with braces. Fortunately, here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we offer multiple types of straightening systems, including Invisalign. Invisalign is a convenient and nearly invisible way to straighten teeth.

Invisalign is unlike braces because you can take them off to eat and clean your teeth. You will never need to avoid certain types of food or use special supplies to brush and floss. You can eat sticky, crunchy, or hard foods all you like.

In addition, Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligners. They are made from impressions of your teeth, so when you put them on, they are almost invisible! This is a huge plus for anyone who is avoiding braces due to the metal mouth look!

Invisalign works by making minor changes to each set of aligners. The aligners are changed out every two weeks. For teens, it takes an average of two years for treatment. For adults, the average is one year. Over this time, the aligners will shift the teeth into their directed position. The end result is a beautifully straightened smile!

If you think Invisalign may be the perfect option for you, be sure to schedule a consultation with us! To schedule your appointment, call our Cary, NC office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our Smiles of Cary website, www.smilesofcary.com