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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dental Implants for Lifelong Tooth Replacement

Dental implants are often the top choice for tooth replacement. Why is that? Because they are the strongest and longest-lasting option. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we choose to offer dental implants as a tooth replacement option for our patients because with good care, they can last a lifetime.

Dental implants are actually implanted into your jaw bone like a real tooth is. To begin the process, your doctor will make an incision in your gums and place a titanium implant post into the bone socket where your tooth used to be. This process takes time to heal, so you will wear a temporary crown for several months. When the implant has bonded with your jaw bone and the healing is complete, an abutment will be placed onto the implant to act as the base for your new tooth. A custom-created dental crown is then permanently bonded to your tooth.

A dental implant should be taken care of just like a normal tooth, however, there is no special care needed. Brush twice per day, floss once per day, and see your dentist for routine cleanings. This should keep your dental implant looking great and acting strong.

If you are missing and tooth and want to know if a dental implant is right for you, schedule a consultation with Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC. To schedule, call our office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Are You Brushing Effectively?

When you visit us here at Smiles of Cary, we make sure that you receive the highest level of service and ensure that our dental work is of the highest quality. We also make it a priority to educate you on the effective techniques of maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine. Though we’ve been brushing our teeth all of our lives, many of us would be surprised to learn that we are doing it wrong. Next time you step in front of the mirror to clean your pearly whites, try utilizing these powerful brushing tips.

  • Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gums.

  • Move the brush back and forth in a circular motion in short (tooth-wide) strokes.

  • Brush the outer tooth surfaces, the inner tooth surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

  • Use the tip of the brush to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, using a gentle up-and-down stroke.

  • Brush your tongue to remove bacteria.

If you have questions about oral hygiene and dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Proper Flossing Technique

Proper flossing removes plaque and food particles in places where a toothbrush can’t easily reach – under the gum line and between your teeth. Here at Smiles of Cary, we’ve heard plenty of excuses as to why our patients aren’t flossing, but it’s important because plaque buildup can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if not removed. To receive maximum benefits from flossing, Dr. Charles Ferzli recommends using the following proper technique.

  • Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around one of your middle fingers. Wind the remaining floss around the same finger of the opposite hand. This finger will take up the floss as it becomes dirty.

  • Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers.

  • Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. Never snap the floss into the gums.

  • When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a “C” shape against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.

  • Hold the floss tightly against the tooth. Gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up-and-down motions. Repeat this method for the rest of your teeth and don’t forget the back ones!

If you have questions about oral hygiene and dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.smilesofcary.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Ferzli at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, call 919-462-3350.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dental Sealants for Pediatric Patients

Kids tend to go through a time period where they are cavity-prone. This is often because of the pits and grooves that molars have. At Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we offer our pediatric patients dental sealants for extra cavity protection.

The pits and grooves in molars make collecting food and plaque easy. In addition, it is not always easy for kids to reach these grooves with a toothbrush. This is why dental sealants are great. They literally seal out bacteria and debris so that they cannot become trapped.

To apply dental sealants, your dentist will first clean your teeth. After that, they will be dried. An acidic solution will be brushed onto the molars that are being sealed to rough up the surface of the tooth. This is just to aid a strong bond between the sealant and the tooth. The teeth and rinsed and again dried. The dental sealants will then be brushed onto the teeth. The sealant is made of a plastic material that can harden to create that barrier. After the sealants are hardened, they are complete.

Dental sealants are great for kids and teens, however, they can also provide benefits for adults who have never had a cavity or filling in those areas. If a dental sealant sounds like it could benefit you or someone in your family, schedule an appointment in our Cary, NC office. To schedule with Smiles of Cary, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com