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Ferzli Cover

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dentures for Full or Partial Tooth Replacement

When looking for tooth replacement, it is nice to have options. Here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we want to be sure that our patients make informed decisions about their oral health. One of the options we have here is dentures. Dentures are a false set of teeth to replace some or all of a patient’s teeth.

Dentures are very popular and they have been around for a long time; even George Washington had dentures. However, major advancements have been made since then and so we no longer use hippopotamus ivory to create teeth!

Many dentures these days are made of acrylic resin or porcelain. These options are strong and take on the appearance of natural teeth. Whether you need all of your teeth replaced, or just a few, we have denture options for you. We can provide a full set or partial dentures.

Partial dentures work similar to dental bridges; they are attached to adjacent teeth using abutments. However, unlike bridges, partial dentures are removable.

For full dentures, we are able to place them conventionally or immediately. Immediate placement means no time spent without teeth after extractions; however, you will probably need the dentures refitted in the future. Conventional-set dentures will fit great from the start.

If you are missing teeth, it’s time to regain your oral health and restore your smile! To schedule your dentures consultation, give our Cary, NC office a call at (919) 462-3350 or visit our Smiles of Cary website, www.smilesofcary.com

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lumineers For A Perfect Smiles

A bright, beautiful smile is something that gives us confidence! Unfortunately, as we go through life, our teeth may not always remain great-looking. For this reason, we offer Lumineers here at Smiles for Cary in Cary, NC!

Lumineers are very thin veneers that are placed right over your existing tooth. We are able to create a brand-new look for your smile without major dental work like braces or surgery. Lumineers are great for crooked, gapped, chipped, discolored, misaligned teeth, and many more aesthetic issues.

The ceramic shells are created in a dental laboratory; customized for each patient. We send the laboratory pictures of your smile, impressions of your teeth, along with additional information so they can create a smile that fits and looks perfect for you. When the Lumineers are ready, we bond them to your teeth one by one. Since there is very little tooth preparation needed to bond Lumineers, you will not have to wear temporary veneers during the creation of your new smile. In addition, Lumineers are completely reversible if you desire to remove them later in life. Lumineers are designed to stay strong and beautiful for over twenty years with good care!

If you are tired of hiding your smile, consider Lumineers! To schedule your appointment with Smiles of Cary in our Cary, NC office, call us at (919) 462-3350 or visit our website, www.smilesofcary.com

Friday, February 12, 2016


Straight teeth are not only beautiful, but they are healthier for the mouth. Straight teeth allow for even bites and easy cleaning. Though straight teeth are often a desire, many patients avoid straightening their teeth because they do not want to deal with braces. Fortunately, here at Smiles of Cary in Cary, NC, we offer multiple types of straightening systems, including Invisalign. Invisalign is a convenient and nearly invisible way to straighten teeth.

Invisalign is unlike braces because you can take them off to eat and clean your teeth. You will never need to avoid certain types of food or use special supplies to brush and floss. You can eat sticky, crunchy, or hard foods all you like.

In addition, Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligners. They are made from impressions of your teeth, so when you put them on, they are almost invisible! This is a huge plus for anyone who is avoiding braces due to the metal mouth look!

Invisalign works by making minor changes to each set of aligners. The aligners are changed out every two weeks. For teens, it takes an average of two years for treatment. For adults, the average is one year. Over this time, the aligners will shift the teeth into their directed position. The end result is a beautifully straightened smile!

If you think Invisalign may be the perfect option for you, be sure to schedule a consultation with us! To schedule your appointment, call our Cary, NC office at (919) 462-3350 or visit our Smiles of Cary website, www.smilesofcary.com